La moto e la tecnica > Tuning
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Hi Seabiker,
The Saddle is beautiful; I'm going to search it, but what is that strange round thing on the luggage carrier?
O.T. : there is a photo of your table in my report about FJR Austria Tour, were you doing a Hola? :D
This was my old FJR1300 (anno 2003)next to my wifes FJR1300 (anno 2003)
The round thing on the luggage carrier is a magnetic antenna for the bike to bike radio, combined with the Autocom Pro 7, Garmin GPS, RDS Radio & cellular phone.
we use the Kenwood TH-K4 UHF-VHF transceiver that give us very good results up to 20 km far away!
after 6 months of searching we found a smaller and better antenna :)
Si ma se ti beccano con questa antenna qui da noi son cavoli amari se non hai la patente da radioamatore, e per parlare a 20 km non sono i walkie talkie per i bambini... :-) comunque bella attrezzatura davvero, spero che la moto abbia il parafulmine :-)
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